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The Advantages of Re-roofing Your Residence

Roof Repair Markham

Your roof is starting to show its age. It takes a lot of abuse in its lifespan from rain, wind, snow, ice, hail, and much more. That kind of wear takes its toll, and you will eventually need to replace your roof. It can be tempting to simply pay for repairs, but a full re-roofing job is often a better idea, especially if you choose a reliable roofing contractor to take on the job.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the benefits of re-roofing your home and why you should choose a reliable contractor for roof repair and installation.

Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal

A new roof can do wonders for the look of your home. Curb appeal refers to how attractive your home looks to the casual viewer from the sidewalk or curb. Getting a new roof is one of the best ways you can improve the curb appeal of your home.

You can choose the new roofing material, picking one that truly complements your home’s look, making your house look all that much better.

Improving the curb appeal of your home also has another effect – increasing the value of your home.

Improve Your Home’s Value

Installing a new roof on your home can have a great impact on the value of your home. You may not be thinking about selling yet, but at the very least it is something to keep in mind. What material you choose for your roof can have a big effect on the overall value of your home.

Additionally, it also ensures that your roof is up to the current health and safety codes.

Reduce Your Energy Bills

The materials that are used in older roofs are nowhere near as energy efficient as modern materials. That lowered efficiency means you’re losing a lot more energy during the winter and summer, largely due to poor ventilation.

Installing a new roof means you’re getting an upgrade on the insulation and ventilation. Your home will be able to ‘breathe’ correctly, leading to lower energy bills than you’ve been getting so far.

Maintain Your Insurance Coverage

The age of your roof plays a big factor in the kind of insurance coverage you can get. In fact, if your roof is more than 20 years old, you may have difficulty getting coverage for it at all. That means that you’ll want to think about replacing it around the 20-year mark.

One tip for you is that you should contact your insurance company to see what kind of materials they cover. That way, you’ll know what materials you should choose when selecting your new roof.

You Avoid Costly Repairs from the Old Roof

You might think you’re saving money by paying for repairs instead of a replacement, but the opposite might be true. Roofs suffer quite a lot of wear and tear over their lifespans. Over that time, the repair bills start adding up, especially as the repairs become more frequent. There are also the repairs that come with the damage that frequent leaks do to your home. Eventually, it becomes far more economical to replace the roof rather than continue to pay for repairs. Plus, those leaks become a health risk for you and your family.

New Warranties

A new roof will come with two different warranties: material and workmanship. If you have an older roof, it’s very likely that it’s no longer under the workmanship warranty, unless you have a lifetime warranty. Additionally, most materials are only under warranty for a certain number of years, after which, your roof no longer has the same protections it had.

Buying a new roof resets the clock, giving you brand new warranties that protect your roof. The manner of the warranty itself depends on the material you choose and the contractor that installs it.

You’ll Have Peace of Mind

All the above benefits of installing a new roof add up to one thing – peace of mind for you. Know you, your family, and your valuables are properly protected from the weather and elements by a robust new roof provides you with security for a long time. In fact, depending on the material, your peace of mind might last anywhere between 20 and 100 years!

Can I Stay Home During a Re-roofing Project?

This is an understandable question. Safety matters, after all. However, you don’t need to worry – whether or not you stay home during a reroofing project is completely up to you. You may want to stick around so you can check on the progress, ask questions about your roof, and make sure it’s being properly installed.

You just need to be aware that a roof replacement is a loud project. If you are staying home, be prepared to deal with the hammering and clamouring of the installation process.

If you work from home and have meetings, you’re much better off leaving on the day of your roof replacement.

Why Choose a Reliable Contractor

Your roof is a big part of your investment in your home, which means it’s something you should be willing to spend money on. Choosing the cheapest contractor for roof repair and re-roofing can have disastrous effects if they do a poor job. Instead, look for a quality contractor that has the experience and knowledge necessary to provide you with the roofing job you need.

Call Trudel & Sons Roofing for Installation and Roof Repair Markham.

You can count on Trudel & Sons Roofing for the best roof repair and roof installation services in Markham and the surrounding area. Your roof is one the most visible parts of your home, so you’ll want to hire an experienced and reliable professional to install it. This ensures you get the most out of your new roof and you can enjoy it for years to come.


For more than 40 years, we’ve been installing and repairing roofs for homeowners in the area. With our services, you can choose the roof that best suits your needs and your vision. Please reach out to us today to request a quote.

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